MINDtheGEPs Open Forum: Large scale international research infrastructures - inherently diverse?

On 21 March, we invite Antje Vollmer, Head of the Task Force IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-discrimination) of LEAPS, the League of the European Accelerator-based Photon Sources. In the context of the MINDtheGEPs Open Forum, she will share two important aspects of diversity in research: activities and actions on inclusion, diversity, equity and anti-discrimination, and the role of science in lowering barriers for inclusive cooperation.

Large international research organisations like LEAPS need strategies for all dimensions of diversity. As head of both the Task Force IDEA and the working group Training, Outreach and Dissemination at LEAPS, Antje Vollmer has many years of experience working for diversity within such an organisation. During the Open Forum, she will share LEAPS IDEA’s approach to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-discrimination, giving examples of best practices from the LEAPS facilities and provide a toolbox to tackle the four IDEA focus areas.

Many researchers face systemic inequality or limited opportunities. Discrimination, embedded socially and culturally in interactions with others, mostly occurs unintentionally and non-deliberately. Open displays of discrimination, racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia or homophobia are rarely seen in science; unconscious bias, however, happens day-to-day. It is necessary and urgent to unlearn unconscious discriminatory behaviours and set up safeguards in our scientific institutions to make them more inclusive, fairer, and as a result more creative and successful.

Antje Vollmer will also discuss how the international scientific community can act as a beacon for international collaboration and peace-keeping. Networks of research facilities can bring together a diverse international scientific community where the mission of advancements in science mixes with a firm societal commitment. Large scale facilities have always been multi-disciplinary, multi-national melting pots. They often incite political and societal cooperation, and are the starting point for international activities, interdisciplinary work and global teamwork. As such, they offer great opportunity for nurturing and exploring inclusive cooperation.

Join us on 21 March at 10.00 CET for a multifaceted presentation and discussion! The online Open Forum is open to everyone, but requires registration. 

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By Marika Ljungberg


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Gender Equality Plans



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MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101006543.

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