National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
The Italian National Research Council (CNR) is Italy’s largest public research organisation. Its duties include the responsibility to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications to the scientific, technological, economic, and social development of their country.
CNR’s activities are divided into large-scale areas of interdisciplinary scientific and technological research, ranging from life sciences to ICT, Social Sciences and Humanities. CNR is distributed all over Italy with its network of more than 100 institutes, all aiming to promote wide diffusion of knowledge throughout the national territory and facilitating contact and cooperation between industry and academia.
CNR’s role in MINDtheGEPs
MINDtheGEPs activities at CNR is run from the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS). IRPPS is an interdisciplinary research Institute that conducts studies on demographic and migration, welfare systems and social policies, on policies regarding science, technology, and higher education, evaluation, and on the relations between science and society. It is the Gender and Talents (GETA) research unit within IRPPS that is primarily working on gender equality in science and human resource for science, technology, and innovation.
Alongside CTAG – Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia, CNR is responsible for MINDtheGEPs work to design gender equality plans for systemic institutional change and co-responsible to empower women in decision-making processes for the whole network alongside. In addition, CNR will implement its gender equality plan and through that task will contribute to the development of the MINDtheGEPs project.
Want to know more about how CNR is working with gender equality? The CNR Gender Equality Plan is available to read, with a web page about gender equality, both in Italian. CNR has also published a Gender Budget along with an infographic explaining the numbers.
People at CNR
Lucio Pisacane
Lucio Pisacane is researcher at the Italian National Research Council (CNR). He is leading the MINDtheGEPs team at CNR designing the gender equality plan for systemic institutional change and supporting the management and implementation of the project. He is currently coordination the EU project, gEneSys, transforming gendered interrelations of power and inequalities for just energy systems. He is passionate about gender equality in science as a way to transform the research organisation towards inclusiveness, openness and diversity. In the belief that inclusive and diverse work environments nourish scientific work.
Contact: l.pisacane[at]
Ilaria Di Tullio
Ilaria Di Tullio is a researcher and gender expert at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies of the National Research Council. She obtained her PhD in methodology and social research from the “La Sapienza” University in Rome. She is active in the field of gender equality with a special interest in public policies about enhancing equal opportunities in public research organisations. She has experience in the management, collection, and analysis of statistical databases and the development of methodological social research tools. She was actively involved in the H2020-project GENERA and she is continuing her work with the GENERA Network. She is actively involved in the H2020-project RI-PEERS project. Through her work with OECD in Paris, she has collected experiences from several European organisations. She is also one of 20 experts chosen for the GEAcademy pan-European network of gender experts.
Contact: ilaria.ditullio[at]
Marco Cellini
Marco Cellini is a research fellow at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). He obtained a PhD in Political Science at the LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome. His expertise regards democratic and political processes, global governance, and gender studies. He has extensive experience in the application of quantitative and qualitative methodologies in social sciences, econometric and statistical analysis, and survey design and analysis. His main research interests concern democratic theory and democratisation processes, globalisation and the democratisation of global governance, and gender inequalities with a particular focus on academic and research career. Within MINDtheGEPs, in collaboration with the CNR team, he contributes to the carrying out of qualitative interviews, the implementation of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and the mapping gender inequalities within CNR, and the design of CNR's gender equality plans.
Contact: marco.cellini[at]
Nicoló Marchesini
Nicoló Marchesini is a social statistician and a research fellow at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). His expertise regards qualitative and quantitative statistical analysis and survey planning. His main research interests concern international migration especially forced migration, and gender issues in Italy focusing mainly on fatherhood and its challenges. Within MINDtheGEPs, he contributes to the assessment of gender imbalances, and he is in charge of data collection, management and analysis for CNR (mapping of gender inequalities, online questionnaire, qualitative interviews); as well as the design of CNR gender equality plans.
Contact: nicolo.marchesini[at]
Serena Tagliacozzo
Serena Tagliacozzo is a research fellow and evaluation specialist at the National Research Council of Italy. She holds a master's degree in community psychology from University of Naples (Italy) and a PhD in disaster risk reduction from University College London (UK). She has extensive expertise in conducting qualitative studies that engage high-level officers and community-based organisations. Within MINDtheGEPs, she will contribute to qualitative interviews and qualitative data analysis as well as to the overall project management and implementation of CNR's gender equality plan.
Contact: serena.tagliacozzo[at]