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Gender Equality Plans

We are promoting gender equality on structural and cultural levels for seven European organisations working in research and innovation. With a focus on fixing the system, not the women, we assess gender imbalances, design gender equality plans (GEPs) for sustainable change, and monitor and evaluate the progress we make. Towards gender equality in research!

This page links to our Gender Equality Plans as they become publically available.

Curious about our approaches? Find out what key areas we are targeting and how we have developed our GEPs.

Our Gender Equality Plans

University of Turin is one of the largest universities in Italy. The university carries out research and courses in almost all disciplines and it is an integral part of the community, acting to revive urban and suburban areas, promoting cultural interaction, social integration and development, encouraging dialogue and insight into current realities.

The University of Turin Gender Equality Plan is available in Italian & in English.

University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) is one of the leading higher education and research institutions in the field of electrical engineering and computer science in Southeast Europe. It is the largest engineering faculty in the region, and 3rd largest electrical engineering faculty in Europe.

The EFT Gender Equality Plan is available in Serbian only, with web resources about gender equality in both English and Serbian (Родна равноправност).

The National Research Council of Italy (CNR) is Italy’s largest public research organisation. Its duties include the responsibility to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications to the scientific, technological, economic, and social development of their country.

The CNR Gender Equality Plan is available in Italian. CNR has also published a Gender Budget along with an infograpic explaining the numbers.

The University of Gdańsk is the largest university in the Pomorskie Region of Poland. On 20th March 2020 UG celebrated its 50th anniversary of founding, remaining a dynamically developing institution of higher education, with an indisputable influence on the development of modern Poland, science and teaching. Over 25,000 undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD students are trained at 11 faculties by approximately 1,800 academic staff in almost all fields of academic knowledge. The University of Gdańsk has been implementing structural change for several years through the realization of numerous projects referring to responsible research and sustainable development goals

The University of Gdańsk Gender Equality Plan is available to read in both Polish (Plan wdrażania polityki równości płci) and English.

The Jagiellonian University in Kraków is a public higher education institution in Poland. Established in 1364, the university is the oldest higher education institution in Poland and the second oldest in Europe. Currently, the Jagiellonian University comprises 16 Faculties including a Medical College, where 8,000 people are hired, with nearly 4,000 academic staff conduct research and provide education to over 40,000 students, PhD students, and postgraduate students, within the framework of more 20 than 90 different fields of study.

The Jagiellonian University Gender Equality Plan is available to read on their website.

Uppsala University is a supporting partner in MINDtheGEPs and leads the communication and dissemination workstream. Since 2016, all state higher education institutions in Sweden, including Uppsala University, have been required to improve gender mainstreaming efforts to help achieve national gender equality policy goals. Since then, the university’s gender equality plan has been revised every three years.

The Uppsala University Gender Mainstreaming Plan and the Gender Equality Plan is available to read on their website.


About MINDtheGEPs

Key Areas

Gender Equality Plans



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101006543.

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