Munster Technological University, Ireland
Munster Technological University (MTU) is a multi-campus technological university in Ireland, contributing to the region through the provision of academic programmes that support student development and opportunities, education and research.
It is recognised internationally for its leadership and excellence in the areas of diversity and inclusion, in particular in the area of inclusion of those with disabilities in sports, recognised in the awarding of MTU Kerry with the only global UNESCO Chair in Physical Adapted Activity.
MTU Kerry is actively extending this ethos of diversity and inclusion across the staff and student communities. There is a particular focus on addressing the gender dimension via Athena Swan, a charter for diversity and inclusion. MTU has an Athena Swan Bronze award which requires, in addition to establishing relevant governing bodies, to identify gaps and improvement opportunities in the context of gender equality, diversity and inclusion, and to develop and deploy actions to promote equal opportunities, well-being in the workplace and non-discrimination.
MTU's role in MINDtheGEPs
MTU Kerry's MINDtheGEPs team has experience from working with the UNESCO Chair in Physical Adapted Activity, in the STEM Passport project (Supporting and Enabling girls to progress to STEM program in University), the InterReg project iEER, stimulating and developing innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems at regional level across the EU for the next generation of innovators and exploring the gender dimension as a barrier, enabler and differentiator as well as the InterReg FANBEST project. They also acted as coordinator of the 4 million EUR EU-funded TRADEIT project that had a special focus on female entrepreneurship.
MTU will contribute to all of MINDtheGEPs as well as co-lead our work to balance recruitment, retention and career progression.
People at MTU

Helena Mcmahon
Helena Mcmahon is Head of Department at the School of STEM at MTU Kerry. She has been involved in research, development and innovation projects in biotechnology, circular bioeconomy, and innovation and enterprise development to the value of > 8 Million Euros. She has authored a wide range of peer-reviewed publications and patents and has presented at leading scientific conferences. She is involved advancement of gender equality within MTU Kerry actioned via participation in Athena Swan activities, promotion of females in STEM in Research and Education via projects such as STEM passport and MINDtheGEPs. Helena McMahon is leading the MTU Kerry team and contributes throughout the project.
Contact: helena.mcmahon[at]

Aoife Ní Fhlatharta
Aoife Ní Fhlatharta is an equality and inclusion researcher at MTU Kerry. She holds a PhD from the National University of Ireland, Galway and her research has a significant focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion, as well as exploring gender discrimination within the entrepreneurial milieu. Aoife Ní Fhlatharta has extensive expertise in conducting qualitative studies pertaining to gender equality and has published her work in peer-reviewed journals in that area. She is the lead MINDtheGEPs researcher for MTU and will contribute to the overall project management of MINDtheGEPs.
Contact: aoife.nifhlatharta[at]

Bríd McElligott
Bríd McElligott is the Vice-President for Research, Development & External Engagement at Munster Technological University (Kerry Campus). Since joining what was IT Tralee in 1996, McElligott has assumed a number of roles in the areas of lecturing and management. Her current portfolio includes research; national and international student recruitment; lifelong learning; foundation; EDI; campus development and external engagement. She has extensive experience in the area of innovation and enterprise development and the management of the Tom Crean Business Incubation Centre, based at the MTU Kerry Campus, lies within her portfolio. The Centre is home to over thirty companies, including the Enterprise Ireland funded New Frontiers Programme. Within the MTU Kerry Campus Bríd McElligott is also the Vice President responsible for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and the Kerry Campus EDI Unit is located in the VPRDEE Office. Bríd McElligott is a strong advocate of the PPP model and has been actively engaged in such partnerships for a number of years, assisting in the delivery of a number of large-scale projects to the region. Prior to her academic career she had extensive experience in the private sector and has a strong track record of community activism in the areas of sport and various NGO’s.
Contact: brid.mcelligott[at]