Contact information
Join our online Open Forum to discuss gender equality in the academic and research & innovation sector. Subscribe to our e-mail newsletters to find the next opportunity to join and keep up with our results.
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Want the latest MINDtheGEPs news? Follow us on Twitter. We also develop policy recommendations to share take-home messages from our work. And of course, we share our Gender Equality Plans and resources as they become available.
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Targeting key areas
We work to increase women's participation in research and innovation by improving their career prospects, increasing gender balance in decision-making and including gender dimensions in research content & teaching, and work to improve work-life balance. Key areas of intervention

Our approach
We promote gender equality on structural and cultural level of research organisations by fixing the system, not the women. Examining gender imbalances, designing gender equality plans for sustainable change, and monitoring and evaluating the progress we make. Gender Equality Plans