University of Gdańsk, Poland
The University of Gdańsk is the largest university in the Pomorskie Region of Poland. The University of Gdańsk has been implementing structural change for several years through the realization of numerous projects referring to responsible research and sustainable development goals.
On 20th March 2020 UG celebrated its 50th anniversary of founding, remaining a dynamically developing institution of higher education, with an indisputable influence on the development of modern Poland, science and teaching. Over 25,000 undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD students are trained at 11 faculties by approximately 1,800 academic staff in almost all fields of academic knowledge.
MINDtheGEPs provides University of Gdańsk with a chance to introduce qualitative organisational change through implementing a Gender Equality Plan (GEP). Paying close attention to its contextualization, comprehensiveness and inclusiveness.
The University of Gdańsk’s role in MINDtheGEPs
The University of Gdańsk team has experience from projects like STARBIOS2, ACT on Gender, Towards Gender Harmony and from other initiatives such as establishing a Committee for Social Responsibility of University of Gdańsk and appointing a Spokesman for Equal Treatment and Mobbing Prevention. This experience allows them to implement a GEP of the highest standard and to act as a role model for other higher education institutions in the region and nationwide.
Want to know more about how The University of Gdańsk is working with gender equality? The University of Gdańsk Gender Equality Plan is available to read in both English and Polish (Plan wdrażania polityki równości płci).
People at The University of Gdańsk
Ewa Łojkowska
Ewa Łojkowska is full professor and Head of Department at the Department of Plant Protection and Biotechnology, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology University of Gdansk & Medical University of Gdansk (IFB UG & MUG). She has been the principal investigator in 12 international and 27 national grants and has supervised 20 finished PhD theses. She currently has 4 postdoctoral coworkers and 3 PhD students. She is the author of about 150 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and has an H-index of 27 (Web of science). Ewa Łojkowska was Vice-Dean of the IFB UG & MUG, 1996- 2002; and Dean of the IFB UG & MUG, 2005-2012. She has had leading roles in numerous EU projects, including FS-BIOTECH, ERA-NET EUPHRESCO, PORTCHECK project, MOBI4Health and MINDtheGEPs. Ewa Łojkowska has also been an EC Expert and panel evaluator in the 5FP, 6FP,.7FP and HORIZON2020 programmes.
Contact: ewa.lojkowska[a]
Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka
Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka is Associate Professor and head of the Division of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Gender at the University of Gdańsk (Poland). Her main area of research and practice is cross-cultural psychology of gender and her special interests are social change and cultural cues fostering gender equality within societies across the world. Currently she is a PI in Towards Gender Harmony project, in which over 100 collaborators in 62 countries are testing the contemporary understanding of masculinity and femininity.
Contact: natasza.kosakowska-berezecka[at]
Magdalena Żadkowska
Magdalena Żadkowska, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Gdansk. Her work is focused on the on sociology of couples, remote work before and after COVID19 pandemic, diversity management, intimate relations and gender studies, women and men's carriers in STEM. She takes part in international research projects devoted to studying masculinities, empty-nest syndrome and dealing with institutional change - implementing diversity and inclusion in academia.
Contact: magdalena.zadkowska[at]
Izabela Raszczyk
Izabela Raszczyk leads the administration and research support team at the International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science at the University of Gdańsk. She has many years of experience in project management and implementation in the R&D and HEI sector, for example in the MOBI4HEALTH, Baltic Science Network, STARBIOS2 and RESBIOS projects. She has a degree in Languages and Economics, International Trade, and Master of Business Administration.
Contact: izabela.raszczyk[at]
Marta Dziedzic
Marta Dziedzic, MA in sociology, project’s specialist at Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk since 2017; core team member in EU Horizon 2020 projects STARBIOS2 and RESBIOS at University of Gdańsk. She is involved in various initiatives at University of Gdańsk related to social responsibility of universities. She is experienced in project implementation and management in numerous projects in arts and culture, NGO and education sectors.
Contact: marta.dziedzic[at]
Łukasz Dopierała
Łukasz Dopierała is an Assistant Professor position at the Department of International Business at University of Gdansk. His research interests are focused on Pension Economics, Financial Markets and Sustainable Finance. He has published more than 30 articles and book chapters related to the above subjects. Łukasz Dopierała has a PhD in Financial Economics from the University of Lodz (2017). His PhD thesis titled Investment efficiency of individual pension accounts offered by insurance companies was awarded by the Financial Ombudsman in 2018. He is a member of the European Network for Research on Supplementary Pensions.
Grzegorz Węgrzyn
Grzegorz Węgrzyn is a full Professor and Head of Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Gdansk since 1996. In 1987 he obtained MSc degree in biology, and in 1991 PhD degree in molecular genetics. His PhD thesis was focused on the regulation of DNA replication in starved cells. Grzegorz Węgrzyn is a co-author of over 400 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and over 600 communications on scientific conferences. He supervised 53 PhD theses, and led over 30 research projects within both national and international grants.
Magdalena Herzberg-Kurasz
Magdalena Herzberg-Kurasz has an MA in sociology and is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk. She is a scholarship holder and researcher in a National Science Center research project devoted to the empty nest phase that is led by Magdalena Żadkowska. She has worked as a researcher in several international research projects and has authored various scientific articles. Her doctoral dissertation focuses on the experiences of women whose adult children have left their family home, relating directly to the role of the mother.
Contact: magdalena.herzberg-kurasz[at]
Artur Sawicki
Artur Sawicki works in the Division of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Gender at the University of Gdańsk (Poland) and the Cross-Cultural Psychology Centre of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. His research revolves around the motive of self-enhancement, especially narcissism in its various manifestations. Currently focused on examining the role of communal narcissism in the quality of romantic relationships.
Krzysztof Bielawski
Prof. Krzysztof Bielawski, Full Professor of Molecular Biology, Head of the Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics at Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk; Director of the University Centre for Applied and Interdisciplinary Research, Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with Business and Industry at the University of Gdańsk (2016-2022). Long-time academic staff member of UG, experienced academic supervisor; Intensively involved in science-industry relations at regional and international level; broad experience in project management, leader and involved in numerous EU projects; experienced expert: ad hoc peer reviews for several scientific journals.
Bez danych nie ma polityki równościowej
Podejście MINDtheGEPs do opartej na dowodach polityki na rzecz równości płci
Fakty i liczby wzmacniają naszą zdolność do podejmowania działań kulturowych i strukturalnych na rzecz równości płci. Wierzymy, że dzielenie się wiedzą na temat nierówności płci zdobytą w ramach projektu MINDtheGEPs może przyczynić się do trwałej zmiany. Wychodząc z założenia, że wszelkie polityki muszą opierać się na danych, niniejsze opracowanie zawiera zalecenia jak zbudować solidne podstawy planów równości płci w organizacjach.
Potrzebujemy kilku rodzajów danych, aby móc uchwycić różne czynniki zachęcające i zniechęcające, które (de)konstruują nierówności płci w różnych fazach kariery naukowej (wczesnej, środkowej, późnej) i na różnych poziomach (indywidualnym, organizacyjnym, krajowym). Dlaczego? Ponieważ płeć jest konstruktem społecznym, który charakteryzuje się wieloma zazębiającymi się barierami, wymagającymi wielu krzyżujących się działań, aby je usunąć.
Solera, Cristina, Balzano, Angela, Turco, Federica, Pisacane, Lucio, Fernow, Josepine & Gogola, Jakub (2023) Bez danych nie ma polityki równościowej: Podejście MINDtheGEPs do opartej na dowodach polityki na rzecz równości płci. Zenodo, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8026875