University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering (ETF), Serbia
University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) is one of the leading higher education and research institutions in the field of electrical engineering and computer science in Southeast Europe. It is the largest engineering faculty in the region, and third largest electrical engineering faculty in Europe.
ETF is committed to meeting the highest standards in pedagogy, research and applied science since its establishment in 1948. It has a staff of 300 employees, and revenue for 2018 was about 8.5M EUR. It provides exceptional engineers who contribute to productivity, innovation and competitiveness, in Serbia, but also around the world. ETF participates in numerous international projects, and has joint research initiatives supported by the European Commission (H2020, COST, EUREKA, InteRReg, ERASMUS, TEMPUS, and other programs), as well as with the US National Science Foundation and other prominent RFOs and RPOs.
One of the fundamental activities of ETF is to provide support for innovation programs. Over the years, ETF has implemented technological methods with original and systematic approach, providing innovative products, solutions, technologies, and services for science and industry along with participating in national and international projects (>100 are currently being implemented).
ETF’s role in MINDtheGEPs
ETF will co-lead our work to include the gender perspective in research and teaching.
Want to know more about how ETF is working with gender equality? The EFT Gender Equality Plan is available in Serbian only, with web resources about gender equality in both English and Serbian (Родна равноправност).
People at ETF
Kosta Jovanović
Kosta Jovanović is Assistant Professor at the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) and Head of ETF Robotics lab. He is a vice-dean for collaboration with companies at ETF. As PI on behalf of ETF he has coordinated 3 Horizon 2020 and several cascading and domestic projects in robotics. His research interests are robotics and engineering education technologies. He has close to 1000 citations and will be contributing to MINDtheGEPs work to gender research and teaching.
Contact: kostaj[at]
Aleksandra Drecun
Aleksandra Drecun, JD, MPA, is the Special Advisor for Responsible Research and Innovation to the Dean at the University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering, the President at Intersection and the Board Director at EU Science Engagement Association. She participates in numerous Horizon 2020, COST, Erasmus+ and other European projects. Aleksandra Drecun has extensive experience in Gender in Research topics and Science Engagement.
Contact: adrecun[at]
Iris Žeželj
Iris Žeželj is Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Belgrade. Her area of interest is the processes that contribute different forms of biases, from macro to micro-level: group biases, biases in memory, beliefs and self knowledge. Being from the Balkans, she is especially concerned in the role of social psychology in bettering intergroup relations. She has led and co-led several international projects on these topics. In her research, she combines laboratory experiments, large scale cross cultural studies and qualitative techniques. Iris Žeželj will take part in the in MINDtheGEPs work to assess gender gaps at partner institutions. In particular the suprervision of in-depth interviews with the institutional stakeholders.
Contact: izezelj[at]
Ivana Jakšić
Ivana Jakšić, PhD, is a Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade. Her research interests include socio-psychological factors and mechanisms affecting social equality, social psychology of gender, and the psychology of discrimination. Most of her research is carried out in the educational context. As a researcher or data manager she participated in several national and international research projects dealing with equality of educational outcomes. Ivana Jakšić will be conducting and analysing interviews with partner's local stakeholders during the assessment of gender imbalances at partner organisations.
Contact: ivanamjaksic[at]
Maja Trumić
Maja Trumić, PhD, is a Researcher at the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) in the ETF Robotics Lab. She received her PhD in robotics and automation from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and the University of Palermo, Italy. Her research interests include soft robots modeling and control, as well as theory and application of nonlinear adaptive control. Maja Trumić will contribute to the project by quantitatively assessing the gender gap at the School of Electrical Engineering and by working on gendering research and teaching.
Contact: maja.trumic[at]
Milica Ninković
Milica Ninković is a PhD candidate at the Department of Psychology and a junior research assistant at the Laboratory for Individual Differences at the University of Belgrade. Her research interests encompass phenomena related to intergroup relations (such as stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination) in a variety of domains, including ethnicity, nationality, and gender. She participated in several projects focused on psychological processes that can improve intergroup relations. In MINDtheGEPs, Milica Ninković will conduct and analyse the in-depth interviews held with local stakeholders at partner organisations as part of the work to assess existing gender imbalances at partner institutions.
Contact: milica.ninkovic[at]
Branko Lukić
Branko Lukić, PhD, is a Researcher at the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) in the ETF Robotics Lab. He received his PhD in robotics and automation from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. His research interests include physical human-robot interaction, cobots, and modelling and control of compliant actuators and robots. Branko Lukić will contribute to the project by quantitatively assessing the gender gap at the School of Electrical Engineering and by working on gendering research and teaching.
Nevena Prešić
Nevena Prešić is a lawyer who, in addition to legal counselling, also promotes gender equality in science. Since the beginning of 2024, she has been involved in the MINDtheGEPs project and has been named the Gender Equality Officer at the ETF.
Приступ MINDtheGEPs пројекта политикама за планове родне равноправности засноване на доказима
Чињенице и бројке јачају нашу способност да предузмемо културне и структуралне акције ка родној равноправности. Верујемо да дељење знања пројекта MINDtheGEPs о родним неравнотежама може да допринесе одрживој промени. Овај кратак преглед који се односи на политике у овом домену укључује препоруке како да се у истраживачким организацијама постави основа за планове родне равноправности (Gender Equality Plans - GEPs) засноване на доказима, на основу претпоставке да без података неће бити ни саме политике.
Потребно нам је неколико типова података да бисмо могли да сагледамо различите факторе притиска и повлачења (push and pull factors) који (де)конструишу родне неједнакости током различитих фаза истраживачке каријере (почетне, средње, напредне) и на различитим нивоима (индивидуални, организациони, национални). Зашто? Зато што је род друштвена структура коју карактеришу вишеструке испреплетане баријере, чије уклањање захтева вишеструке испреплетане активности.
Solera, Cristina, Balzano, Angela, Turco, Federica, Pisacane, Lucio, Fernow, Josepine, Drecun, Aleksandra & Lukić, Branko, Нема података: Нема политика! Приступ MINDtheGEPs пројекта политикама за планове родне равноправности засноване на доказима. Zenodo, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7924834