Management, communication and coordination

Together with project partners, we ensure the overall progress of the project, that the consortium carries out its contractual duties, that it is fulfilling relevant ethical requirements, and supports partners in communicating their findings.


University of Turin's CIRSDe is the coordinating organisation of MINDtheGEPs. Under the wings of coordinator Cristina Solera, they ensure the management and ethical requirements are fulfilled and that the project can meet its objectives.

Cristina Solera

Cristina Solera is the coordinator of MINDtheGEPs. She is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at the University of Turin and an affiliate at Collegio Carlo Alberto. She is also a member of the Research Center for Women's and Gender studies (CIRSDe). She has been part of many international projects, such as Barriers Towards Eu Citizenship or Transition to parenthood. She is currently engaged in the Italian National Relevant Project GEA-Gendering Academia, which is about assessing multiple dimensions of gender inequalities in academia, connected to MINDtheGEPs’ work on assessing gender imbalances. Her research interests include women's labour-market participation, work-family reconciliation, new models of motherhood and fatherhood, comparative social policies, gender, and class inequalities.

Contact: cristina.solera[at]

Federica Turco

Federica Turco successfully completed a PhD in Semiotics at University of Turin, where she currently teaches Semiotics of Gender. Her research focuses on women’s representation across contemporary media, semiotics of body and culture, cultural models, and stereotypes. She is responsible for Communication and Research at the Research Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Turin, where she has managed many research projects funded within different EU framework programmes (e.g. FP7, Erasmus +, REC, H2020), all related to gender issues. She also manages national and local training projects. Federica Turco is the MINDtheGEPs Project Manager and, in particular, she contributes to the general management of the project and the supervision of ethical aspects.

Contact: federica.turco[at]

Communication and dissemination

Uppsala University is leading the MINDtheGEPs communication and dissemination workstream together with Elsevier. Aiming to support long-term impact and structural change.

Josepine Fernow

Josepine Fernow is a communications strategist and coordinator at Uppsala University’s Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB). She has been communications manager and work package leader in several European projects (IMI PREFER and ConcePTION, H2020 MINDtheGEPs, SIENNA, and STARBIOS2 projects, and for RRI-related communications in the FET Flagship Human Brain Project). She leads the communications team in MINDtheGEPs and the work to develop strategies for communication, dissemination and exploitation of results.

Contact: josepine.fernow[at]

Claudio Colaiacomo

Claudio Colaiacomo, PhD, holds a degree in Physics and a Masters in Neuroscience from the university of Pisa, and an MBA from the MIB business school of Trieste. In his early career, he worked as a researcher in the US and Austria after moving to Elsevier where he covered several managerial roles. Today, he is the Vice President for Academic Relations and research partnerships with responsibilities in Southern Europe. He entertains relations with top management or academic and research institutions, research leaders as well as media with the aim of exploring and communicating synergies and new ways to serve the scientific community. He is an expert of the publishing industry and a published author himself.

Contact: c.colaiacomo[at]


About MINDtheGEPs

Key Areas

Gender Equality Plans



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MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101006543.

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