Equality, diversity & inclusion

The first in the series was focused on equality, diversity and inclusion in quantum technologies, with a keynote presentation by Oxana Mishina, theoretical physicist from the National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Optics (CNR-INO).

Equality, diversity and inclusion in quantum technology

When: 20 October 2022 12-13:30 CEST
Where: Online
Speaker: Oxana Mishina - National Institute of Optics - CNR

In 2018 a ten-year initiative called Quantum Flagship was lunched by the European Commission. It brings together a diverse community of members from academia, industry and policy making; with the scope of bringing new Quantum Technologies (QT) from the research labs to the use of society. From the start, a voluntary Gender Balance in QT - Working group was formed within the community aiming to raise awareness and develop a coherent and efficient strategy for the realisation of gender equality in Quantum Technologies. Two years after, a new sub community focused on education and outreach emerged, with its own voluntary working group on Equity and Inclusion. This year the Gender Ballance in QT Working Group has transformed into an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, expanding the diversity dimension, with a dedicated budget from the Quantum Flagship. In the Open Forum, Oxana Mishina presented the activities and experiences of these two working groups among which are community survey, unconscious bias trainings, and policy advice.

About Oxana Mishina

Oxana Mishina is a theoretical physicist from the National Institute of Optics (CNR-INO). She worked in several European countries as a researcher in theoretical physics and in physics education. Currently, she works in Italy, Trieste at the National Institute of Optics - CNR as a team member of a European Quantum Flagship coordination and support action project. Her role is to manage the community of about 400 members who are creating education and outreach content and activities for Quantum Technologies. Additionally she chairs a Working Group on Equity and Inclusion of the Quantum Technology Education Community (QTEdu) and is a member of the working group Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Quantum Technologies. She is also passionate about science communication and organized outreach events as for example Italian Quantum Week 2022.


About MINDtheGEPs

Key Areas

Gender Equality Plans



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101006543.

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