Taking measures against gender-based violence
Gender-based violence is an issue that is present throughout society, and research organisations are no exception. But as with many gender-related issues, there is insufficient data collection and as a result often insufficient action. And there is a pressing need to act.
MINDtheGEPs partners are acting against gender-based violence by raising awareness about gender-based violence and sexual harassment among leadership in their organisations, ensuring there are sufficient support structures in place for victims and witnesses, and committing to stopping this behaviour.
Our Gender Equality Plans help outline what partner organisations are doing to fight gender-based violence and sexual harassment.
In MINDtheGEPs, the individual actions were designed in close cooperation with governing bodies and mechanisms within partner organisations. Because we are convinced that leadership level commitment is required to take effective action against gender-based violence.
Acting against gender-based violence

Contact person

Federica Turco
Federica Turco successfully completed a PhD in Semiotics at University of Turin, where she currently teaches Semiotics of Gender. Her research focuses on women’s representation across contemporary media, semiotics of body and culture, cultural models, and stereotypes. She is responsible for Communication and Research at the Research Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Turin, where she has managed many research projects funded within different EU framework programmes (e.g. FP7, Erasmus +, REC, H2020), all related to gender issues. She also manages national and local training projects. Federica Turco is the MINDtheGEPs Project Manager and, in particular, she contributes to the general management of the project and the supervision of ethical aspects.
Contact: federica.turco[at]unito.it
Explore key areas
Balancing career progression
Supporting skills development and breaking stereotypes, towards work-life balance for men and women.

Gendering research content
By including gender perspectives in research, teaching, evaluation & peer-review.

Improving work-life balance
Providing comprehensive support for career advancement while managing personal responsibilities like caregiving.

Empowering decision-making
To increase female researchers' participation in the decisions that affect them.
Our approach
We promote gender equality on structural and cultural level of research organisations by fixing the system, not the women. Examining gender imbalances, designing gender equality plans for sustainable change, and monitoring and evaluating the progress we make.

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