People in the project
University of Turin's Research Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, Italy
Cristina Solera
Cristina Solera is the coordinator of MINDtheGEPs. She is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at the University of Turin and an affiliate at Collegio Carlo Alberto. She is also a member of the Research Center for Women's and Gender studies (CIRSDe). She has been part of many international projects, such as Barriers Towards Eu Citizenship or Transition to parenthood. She is currently engaged in the Italian National Relevant Project GEA-Gendering Academia, which is about assessing multiple dimensions of gender inequalities in academia, connected to MINDtheGEPs’ work on assessing gender imbalances. Her research interests include women's labour-market participation, work-family reconciliation, new models of motherhood and fatherhood, comparative social policies, gender, and class inequalities.
Contact: cristina.solera[at]
Federica Turco
Federica Turco successfully completed a PhD in Semiotics at University of Turin, where she currently teaches Semiotics of Gender. Her research focuses on women’s representation across contemporary media, semiotics of body and culture, cultural models, and stereotypes. She is responsible for Communication and Research at the Research Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Turin, where she has managed many research projects funded within different EU framework programmes (e.g. FP7, Erasmus +, REC, H2020), all related to gender issues. She also manages national and local training projects. Federica Turco is the MINDtheGEPs Project Manager and, in particular, she contributes to the general management of the project and the supervision of ethical aspects.
Contact: federica.turco[at]
Angela Balzano
Angela Balzano is a researcher at the Department of Culture Politics and Society at the University of Turin and coordinator and Professor at the science module of the Master in Gender Studies and Policies at Roma Tre University. She has been Adjunct Professor of the course in Diversity Management and tutor in Women and Law for the GEMMA Master in Gender Studies at University of Bologna, where she was also involved in the H2020 project Plotina: Promoting Gender Balance and Inclusion in Research, Innovation and Training. Angela Balzano has worked as a translator for DeriveApprodi, translating authors Rosi Braidotti (The Posthuman), Donna Haraway (The Promises of Monsters) and Cooper and Waldby (Clinical Labor). In 2021 she published her first monographic work for Meltemi, Per farla finita con la famiglia. Dall'aborto alle parentele postumane. Angela Balzano’s role in MINDtheGEPs includes assisting the Coordinator Professor Cristina Solera. She is also one of the trainers in MINDtheGEPs’ series of Train the Trainers workshops.
Contact: angela.balzano[at]
Vladimiro Cardenia
Vladimiro Cardenia is Associate Professor in Food Science and Technology at University of Turin, with expertise on lipid chemistry, analysis and innovation in foods, as related to safety, traceability, authentication, gender and stability during processing and preservation. He was member of different national and international research projects such as Meating (FARB 2012-2013); Food Crossing District (POR-FESR 2014-2020); PRIN (2008, 2015); and the H2020 project PLOTINA: promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training, where he co-coordinated a case study titled “Analyzing beef sexing and sex-related substances in meat: a problem of authentication”. In MINDtheGEPs, he is involved in work to include gender in research and teaching, aiming to increase gender awareness in STEM research area.
Contact: vladimiro.cardenia[at]
Norma de Piccoli
Norma de Piccoli is Full Professor at the Turin University, Department of Psychology, where she teaches Social and Community Psychology. In 2020, she was elected President of the Research Center for Women's and Gender Studies (Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere, CIRSDE), at University of Turin. She collaborates with various public institutions, in particular on issues concerning gender, sexual violence, and health from a gender perspective. In the past, she directed CIRSDE in during the USVreact project (University Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence) developed in early 2015 and closed in 2018, in response to a European Commission Daphne III funding call focused on supporting victims of gender-based violence. Within the MINDtheGEPs project, she guarantees a functional link between the project and the academic institutions to develop action projects. Norma de Piccoli also contributes to the analysis of gender stereotypes from a psychosocial perspective.
Contact: norma.depiccoli[at]
Marina Della Giusta
Marina Della Giusta is Professor of Economics at the University of Turin, IZA fellow and Visiting Professor at the University of Reading, where she worked from 2000 to 2022 and was Head of Department from 2013 to 2016. Her research experience is in behavioral and labor economics, with a focus on gender, stigma, and social norms. Her main publications concern the role of gender inequalities and social norms in education, paid and unpaid work and in pensions. She currently leads the Work Package on Behaviour Change with a focus on Gender and Diversity in the Horizon2020 Consortium INHABIT and the Pearson Publishing, Contrasting Unconscious Bias in Education (CUBE) project. She is co-investigator in the Nuffield project ‘Maternal wellbeing, infant feeding and return to paid work decisions’ and Advisor in Horizon2020 DivAirCity and in the Gender Parity Project of Pearson Publishing. She is a member of the Royal Economic Society Women Committee, where she has promoted mentoring and other initiatives for the advancement of women in the profession, within and outside academia.
Contact: marina.dellagiusta[at]
Maria Laura Di Tommaso
Maria Laura Di Tommaso is Full Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis” of the University of Turin. She is also a Fellow of Collegio Carlo Alberto and Associate Researcher at the Frisch Center for Economic Research in Oslo. Her previous positions include College Lecturer in Economics and Fellow at Robinson College, University of Cambridge, and Research Associate in the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge. She has published extensively in international journals and her research interests include microeconomics applied to gender and feminist issues. She was Associate Editor of the journal Feminist Economics from 2012 to 2016, and she is a member of the Faculty of the PhD program in Economics Vilfredo Pareto, as well as a member of the National Scientific Qualification committee (ASN 2018-2021) in econometrics. Based on her position and disciplinary expertise, she will be able to contribute to MINDtheGEPs work to design gender equality plans, and particularly to issues concerning gender budgeting.
Contact: marialaura.ditommaso[at]
Nicolao Fornengo
Nicolao Fornengo is Full Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Turin. He has carried out research at the Johns Hopkins University (USA), IFIC (Spain), LAPTH, CEA-Saclay and UPMC-Paris (France). His activities focus on theoretical astroparticle physics, with emphasis on dark matter, neutrino physics and cosmology. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN and Vice-Director of the Physics Department of the University of Torino, where he also serves as member of the Research Center for Women's and Gender Studies. He participates in the MINDtheGEPs project as a representative of the STEM disciplines, and he will contribute to raising awareness of gender issues at scientific departments through workshops and training.
Contact: nicolao.fornengo[at]
Chiara Ghislieri
Chiara Ghislieri is Associate Professor in Work and Organisational Psychology and since 2017, she has been the President of the Single Guarantee Committee at the University of Turin. Her research focuses on four main areas: work-life conflict, enrichment, and balance and family-friendly organizations; well-being related to work and remote working; leadership, followership, entrepreneurship; vocational guidance, career counselling and organisational behaviour training. The study of gender differences is a crosscutting approach to the research axes. She has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals about the above-mentioned issues and has participated in several international projects including the Horizon 2020 project Except about job insecurity and well-being. She is currently principal investigator of the public engagement project On Stage, about discrimination related to gender and sexual orientation. Based on her roles and disciplinary expertise, in MINDtheGEPs she will collaborate on the design of the gender equality plans, based on empirical evidence collected in the early stages of the project.
Contact: chiara.ghislieri[at]
Rosy Musumeci
Rosy Musumeci is Assistant Professor and teaches Sociology of Cultures, Services and Social Policies at the University of Turin. Her main research interests are work-life balance, working careers, job insecurity, and gender imbalances in the university setting. She was the co-coordinator of the FAMnet Equalsoc network “Practices and Policies Around Parenthood: Towards New Models of Fatherhood?”. She has taken part in many international projects, such as the Horizon 2020-funded EXCEPT project and TransParent. She is currently engaged in the GEA-Gendering Academia Research Project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University. She is also a member of Research Center for Women's and Gender Studies. In MINDtheGEPs, she is the scientific co-coordinator (alongside Manuela Naldini) of the work package performing qualitative assessment of gender imbalances. She will coordinate the work to interview researchers and key informants in partner organisations that are implementing gender equality plans.
Contact: rosy.musumeci[at]
Manuela Naldini
Manuela Naldini is full Professor of Sociology at University of Turin and Fellow at the Collegio Carlo Alberto. She has coordinated several international and national research projects on topics related to family changes, comparative studies of welfare states, gender studies, work-family reconciliation issues, migrant families and more recently gendering academia. She has been WP coordinator within the FP7 "Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship” (bEU citizen). Currently she is the Principal Investigator of GEA-Gendering Academia Research Project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University. She is also involved in the Horizon 2020 project KIDS4ALL. In MINDtheGEPs she is the scientific co-coordinator (alongside Rosy Musumeci) of the work package performing qualitative assessment of gender imbalances. She will coordinate the work to interview researchers and key informants in partner organisations that are implementing gender equality plans.
Contact: manuela.naldini[at]
Cristina Prandi
Cristina Prandi is Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at Chemistry Department of the University of Torin, where she is also Vice Rector for Research. Her main interests are related to the studies of synthetic transformations, organometallic chemistry, gold catalysis and target-oriented synthesis. She has focused her interest on the study of organometallic transformations in unconventional solvents, more in line with sustainability and green chemistry principles. She has carried out research on the synthesis of bioactive phytohormones analogues focusing on SAR (Structure Activity Relationship) studies and design of active derivatives. Recently, she also carried out research on the use of plant metabolites analogues for their potential anticancer activity. She is the leader of several national projects and chaired the Cost Action FA1206 dedicated to Strigolactones. With her experience, Cristina Prandi guarantees a functional link between the project and academic institutions.
Contact: cristina.prandi[at]
Domenico Sanseverino
Domenico Sanseverino has a Master’s Degree in Work Psychology and Wellbeing in Organisations and is currently a PhD student in Psychology at the University of Turin. In 2021, he participated in national research concerning the work experience in Italian universities during the pandemic, promoted by the National Conference of Equality Bodies of Italian Universities, while in 2022 he was a research fellow in the H2020 project "Re-UNITA - Research for Unita", where he was involved in the mentoring programme led by the University of Turin. In MINDtheGEPs, he was involved in quantitative research assessing gender imbalances, and the related data collection, analysis and report writing.
Contact: domenico.sanseverino[at]
CTAG – Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia, Spain
Gema Antequera
Gema Antequera is EU Project Manager for Industry of the Future at CTAG in Spain. She is deeply committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the technology sector and tries to include it in all her work and teams. She recognises the value of diversity of perspectives and actively participates in initiatives and programmes aimed at promoting inclusion. She is a co-coordinator of the STRADA-Women in manufacturing programme, a leadership development programme for emerging women leaders in the manufacturing sector to acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to be more effective in their careers and in their organisations. Gema Antequera leads the work to empower women in decision-making and contributes to MINDtheGEPs as a whole.
Contact: gema.antequera[at]
Ana Paul
Ana Paul received her degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad de Valladolid with a Master’s degree in Automotive Engineering and Management from the Fundación Politécnica de Catalunya. She joined CIDAUT in 1993, where she was involved in research and development activities and national projects. In 1999, she joined Volkswagen's SEAT, where she was in charge of the Human Machine Interface, Infotainment and Telematics Team. Since 2005, she is working at CTAG, where she is currently the Director of the Technology Innovation Division. She is also teaching master students in innovation management and automotive technologies at the University of Vigo. She has been part of several EU-funded projects, among others AIDE, EUROFOT, FREILOT, ECOMOVE, MOBI.EUROPE, and MOBI2GRID.
Jagiellonian University, Poland
Paulina Sekuła
Paulina Sekuła, PhD, is assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Her research interests cover gender equality, particularly in the realm of gender and research and academia, political culture and theories of democracy. For a few years she has been involved as a researcher in projects focusing on structural change in higher education institutions, including H2020 projects GENERA (Gender Equality in European Research Area, 2015-2018), ACT (Communities of Practice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe, 2018-2021) and MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institution by Developing Gender Equality Plans, 2021-2025) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation project Study of the potential of international mobile women scientists (2020-2021). Currently she is also a co-facilitator of the ACT Community of Practice for Gender Equality in Central and Eastern Europe.
Contact: paulina.sekula[at]
Stanislaw Kistryn
Stanislaw Kistryn is Professor in nuclear physics and the former vice-rector for reserach and structural funds at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. At present, the is the Rector's Proxy for Cooperation within Una Europa, member of the Board of Directors and treaseurer of this alliance. In his capacity as Coordinator of the excellence initiative program at Jagiellonian University, he provides support for the MINDtheGEPs actions and provides links to the univeristy authorities on the strategic subjects, especially on diversity, inclusivness and equality issues.
Contact: stanislaw.kistryn[at]
Ewa Stoecker
Ewa Stoecker is a psychologist, researcher, certified anti-discrimination trainer, and an expert in education for anti-discrimination. She is also a founding member of the Anti-Discrimination Education Association (TEA) and Expedition Inside Culture Association (EIC). She has implemented educational activities and social and evaluation research, and authored educational materials related to equal treatment, anti-discrimination, learning and development processes for public entities and NGOs. She is experienced in designing and implementing tools for development (mainly in the filed of education and research), workshops and trainings. She is currently a PhD student at Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, preparing a thesis on equality policies at universities in Poland.
Contact: ewa.stoecker[at]
Anna Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz
Anna Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz is Associate Professor in the Institute of Economics, Finance and Management, and Director of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. She holds a PhD in economics. Her research interests focus on institutional and feminist economics. She has written about economic situation of women in the US, EU and transition economies, especially Poland, social and economic inequalities, as well as gender in economic thought. She is a founding member of GEM-Europe, and a member of Feminist Think Tank. In years 2013-2016 she was a leading researcher in the project InnoGend – Innovative Gender as a New Source of Progress.
Contact: anna.zachorowska[at]
Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak
Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak is professor, researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the Jagiellonian University. She specialises in the social aspects of nature conservation, human-nature conflicts and scientific communication. She finalised her PhD in 1995 and following a post-doctoral project in natural science and biology, specifically nature conservation, her interdisciplinary research began. In 2014, Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak was nominated to professor and she is currently the Head of the Nature Protection, Wildlife Management and Environmental Education research team at the Institute of Environmental Sciences at the Jagiellonian University, where she coordinates research and educational projects, and widely publishes and popularizes her work.
Contact: m.grodzinska-jurczak[at]
Katarzyna Jurzak
Katarzyna Jurzak is a Lawyer and the Director of the Department of Security, Safety and Equal Treatment at Jagiellonian University in Kraków where she provides help to students and staff in matters related to safety, security and discrimination. She coordinates the agreement between the university and the City of Kraków Police Department to ensure safety and security at university premises. She coordinates the Association of University Chief Security Officers and was Rector's Proxy for Student Safety and Security at from 2011 until 2020. She was a member of the university-city team for safety and security in Kraków and an expert on the team responsible for implementation of Safe Kraków, a crime prevention and public order and safety protection programme (2017-2020). She has been part of several research and educational projects combating violence and discrimination. Her research interests are safety and security in higher education institutions, crime prevention, police science, and equal treatment. In 2021, she became a member of the Kraków Council for Equal Treatment.
Contact: katarzyna.jurzak[at]
Aleksandra Migalska
Aleksandra Migalska is a sociologist interested in qualitative research of social inequalities and the situation of minority groups, experienced especially in the field of intersectional research on gender, disabilities and economic exclusion. She also participated in projects aimed at developing recommendations for public policies in terms of taking into account the needs of groups at risk of exclusion. She is an anti-discrimination trainer and equality educator, working with WenDo method (self-defense and assertiveness for women and girls) and a member of the Anti-Discrimination Education Association. Currently, she works in the JU Department of Security, Safety and Equal Treatment, and also coordinates a project on the accessibility of coastal areas for people with disabilities.
Contact: aleksandra.migalska[at]
Munster Technological University, Ireland
Helena Mcmahon
Helena Mcmahon is Head of Department at the School of STEM at MTU Kerry. She has been involved in research, development and innovation projects in biotechnology, circular bioeconomy, and innovation and enterprise development to the value of > 8 Million Euros. She has authored a wide range of peer-reviewed publications and patents and has presented at leading scientific conferences. She is involved advancement of gender equality within MTU Kerry actioned via participation in Athena Swan activities, promotion of females in STEM in Research and Education via projects such as STEM passport and MINDtheGEPs. Helena McMahon is leading the MTU Kerry team and contributes throughout the project.
Contact: helena.mcmahon[at]
Aoife Ní Fhlatharta
Aoife Ní Fhlatharta is an equality and inclusion researcher at MTU Kerry. She holds a PhD from the National University of Ireland, Galway and her research has a significant focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion, as well as exploring gender discrimination within the entrepreneurial milieu. Aoife Ní Fhlatharta has extensive expertise in conducting qualitative studies pertaining to gender equality and has published her work in peer-reviewed journals in that area. She is the lead MINDtheGEPs researcher for MTU and will contribute to the overall project management of MINDtheGEPs.
Contact: aoife.nifhlatharta[at]
Bríd McElligott
Bríd McElligott is the Vice-President for Research, Development & External Engagement at Munster Technological University (Kerry Campus). Since joining what was IT Tralee in 1996, McElligott has assumed a number of roles in the areas of lecturing and management. Her current portfolio includes research; national and international student recruitment; lifelong learning; foundation; EDI; campus development and external engagement. She has extensive experience in the area of innovation and enterprise development and the management of the Tom Crean Business Incubation Centre, based at the MTU Kerry Campus, lies within her portfolio. The Centre is home to over thirty companies, including the Enterprise Ireland funded New Frontiers Programme. Within the MTU Kerry Campus Bríd McElligott is also the Vice President responsible for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and the Kerry Campus EDI Unit is located in the VPRDEE Office. Bríd McElligott is a strong advocate of the PPP model and has been actively engaged in such partnerships for a number of years, assisting in the delivery of a number of large-scale projects to the region. Prior to her academic career she had extensive experience in the private sector and has a strong track record of community activism in the areas of sport and various NGO’s.
Contact: brid.mcelligott[at]
National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
Lucio Pisacane
Lucio Pisacane is researcher at the Italian National Research Council (CNR). He is leading the MINDtheGEPs team at CNR designing the gender equality plan for systemic institutional change and supporting the management and implementation of the project. He is currently coordination the EU project, gEneSys, transforming gendered interrelations of power and inequalities for just energy systems. He is passionate about gender equality in science as a way to transform the research organisation towards inclusiveness, openness and diversity. In the belief that inclusive and diverse work environments nourish scientific work.
Contact: l.pisacane[at]
Ilaria Di Tullio
Ilaria Di Tullio is a researcher and gender expert at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies of the National Research Council. She obtained her PhD in methodology and social research from the “La Sapienza” University in Rome. She is active in the field of gender equality with a special interest in public policies about enhancing equal opportunities in public research organisations. She has experience in the management, collection, and analysis of statistical databases and the development of methodological social research tools. She was actively involved in the H2020-project GENERA and she is continuing her work with the GENERA Network. She is actively involved in the H2020-project RI-PEERS project. Through her work with OECD in Paris, she has collected experiences from several European organisations. She is also one of 20 experts chosen for the GEAcademy pan-European network of gender experts.
Contact: ilaria.ditullio[at]
Marco Cellini
Marco Cellini is a research fellow at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). He obtained a PhD in Political Science at the LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome. His expertise regards democratic and political processes, global governance, and gender studies. He has extensive experience in the application of quantitative and qualitative methodologies in social sciences, econometric and statistical analysis, and survey design and analysis. His main research interests concern democratic theory and democratisation processes, globalisation and the democratisation of global governance, and gender inequalities with a particular focus on academic and research career. Within MINDtheGEPs, in collaboration with the CNR team, he contributes to the carrying out of qualitative interviews, the implementation of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and the mapping gender inequalities within CNR, and the design of CNR's gender equality plans.
Contact: marco.cellini[at]
Nicoló Marchesini
Nicoló Marchesini is a social statistician and a research fellow at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). His expertise regards qualitative and quantitative statistical analysis and survey planning. His main research interests concern international migration especially forced migration, and gender issues in Italy focusing mainly on fatherhood and its challenges. Within MINDtheGEPs, he contributes to the assessment of gender imbalances, and he is in charge of data collection, management and analysis for CNR (mapping of gender inequalities, online questionnaire, qualitative interviews); as well as the design of CNR gender equality plans.
Contact: nicolo.marchesini[at]
Serena Tagliacozzo
Serena Tagliacozzo is a research fellow and evaluation specialist at the National Research Council of Italy. She holds a master's degree in community psychology from University of Naples (Italy) and a PhD in disaster risk reduction from University College London (UK). She has extensive expertise in conducting qualitative studies that engage high-level officers and community-based organisations. Within MINDtheGEPs, she will contribute to qualitative interviews and qualitative data analysis as well as to the overall project management and implementation of CNR's gender equality plan.
Contact: serena.tagliacozzo[at]
University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering (ETF), Serbia
Kosta Jovanović
Kosta Jovanović is Assistant Professor at the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) and Head of ETF Robotics lab. He is a vice-dean for collaboration with companies at ETF. As PI on behalf of ETF he has coordinated 3 Horizon 2020 and several cascading and domestic projects in robotics. His research interests are robotics and engineering education technologies. He has close to 1000 citations and will be contributing to MINDtheGEPs work to gender research and teaching.
Contact: kostaj[at]
Aleksandra Drecun
Aleksandra Drecun, JD, MPA, is the Special Advisor for Responsible Research and Innovation to the Dean at the University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering, the President at Intersection and the Board Director at EU Science Engagement Association. She participates in numerous Horizon 2020, COST, Erasmus+ and other European projects. Aleksandra Drecun has extensive experience in Gender in Research topics and Science Engagement.
Contact: adrecun[at]
Iris Žeželj
Iris Žeželj is Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Belgrade. Her area of interest is the processes that contribute different forms of biases, from macro to micro-level: group biases, biases in memory, beliefs and self knowledge. Being from the Balkans, she is especially concerned in the role of social psychology in bettering intergroup relations. She has led and co-led several international projects on these topics. In her research, she combines laboratory experiments, large scale cross cultural studies and qualitative techniques. Iris Žeželj will take part in the in MINDtheGEPs work to assess gender gaps at partner institutions. In particular the suprervision of in-depth interviews with the institutional stakeholders.
Contact: izezelj[at]
Ivana Jakšić
Ivana Jakšić, PhD, is a Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade. Her research interests include socio-psychological factors and mechanisms affecting social equality, social psychology of gender, and the psychology of discrimination. Most of her research is carried out in the educational context. As a researcher or data manager she participated in several national and international research projects dealing with equality of educational outcomes. Ivana Jakšić will be conducting and analysing interviews with partner's local stakeholders during the assessment of gender imbalances at partner organisations.
Contact: ivanamjaksic[at]
Maja Trumić
Maja Trumić, PhD, is a Researcher at the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) in the ETF Robotics Lab. She received her PhD in robotics and automation from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and the University of Palermo, Italy. Her research interests include soft robots modeling and control, as well as theory and application of nonlinear adaptive control. Maja Trumić will contribute to the project by quantitatively assessing the gender gap at the School of Electrical Engineering and by working on gendering research and teaching.
Contact: maja.trumic[at]
Milica Ninković
Milica Ninković is a PhD candidate at the Department of Psychology and a junior research assistant at the Laboratory for Individual Differences at the University of Belgrade. Her research interests encompass phenomena related to intergroup relations (such as stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination) in a variety of domains, including ethnicity, nationality, and gender. She participated in several projects focused on psychological processes that can improve intergroup relations. In MINDtheGEPs, Milica Ninković will conduct and analyse the in-depth interviews held with local stakeholders at partner organisations as part of the work to assess existing gender imbalances at partner institutions.
Contact: milica.ninkovic[at]
Branko Lukić
Branko Lukić, PhD, is a Researcher at the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering (ETF) in the ETF Robotics Lab. He received his PhD in robotics and automation from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. His research interests include physical human-robot interaction, cobots, and modelling and control of compliant actuators and robots. Branko Lukić will contribute to the project by quantitatively assessing the gender gap at the School of Electrical Engineering and by working on gendering research and teaching.
Nevena Prešić
Nevena Prešić is a lawyer who, in addition to legal counselling, also promotes gender equality in science. Since the beginning of 2024, she has been involved in the MINDtheGEPs project and has been named the Gender Equality Officer at the ETF.
University of Gdańsk, Poland
Ewa Łojkowska
Ewa Łojkowska is full professor and Head of Department at the Department of Plant Protection and Biotechnology, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology University of Gdansk & Medical University of Gdansk (IFB UG & MUG). She has been the principal investigator in 12 international and 27 national grants and has supervised 20 finished PhD theses. She currently has 4 postdoctoral coworkers and 3 PhD students. She is the author of about 150 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and has an H-index of 27 (Web of science). Ewa Łojkowska was Vice-Dean of the IFB UG & MUG, 1996- 2002; and Dean of the IFB UG & MUG, 2005-2012. She has had leading roles in numerous EU projects, including FS-BIOTECH, ERA-NET EUPHRESCO, PORTCHECK project, MOBI4Health and MINDtheGEPs. Ewa Łojkowska has also been an EC Expert and panel evaluator in the 5FP, 6FP,.7FP and HORIZON2020 programmes.
Contact: ewa.lojkowska[a]
Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka
Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka is Associate Professor and head of the Division of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Gender at the University of Gdańsk (Poland). Her main area of research and practice is cross-cultural psychology of gender and her special interests are social change and cultural cues fostering gender equality within societies across the world. Currently she is a PI in Towards Gender Harmony project, in which over 100 collaborators in 62 countries are testing the contemporary understanding of masculinity and femininity.
Contact: natasza.kosakowska-berezecka[at]
Magdalena Żadkowska
Magdalena Żadkowska, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Gdansk. Her work is focused on the on sociology of couples, remote work before and after COVID19 pandemic, diversity management, intimate relations and gender studies, women and men's carriers in STEM. She takes part in international research projects devoted to studying masculinities, empty-nest syndrome and dealing with institutional change - implementing diversity and inclusion in academia.
Contact: magdalena.zadkowska[at]
Izabela Raszczyk
Izabela Raszczyk leads the administration and research support team at the International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science at the University of Gdańsk. She has many years of experience in project management and implementation in the R&D and HEI sector, for example in the MOBI4HEALTH, Baltic Science Network, STARBIOS2 and RESBIOS projects. She has a degree in Languages and Economics, International Trade, and Master of Business Administration.
Contact: izabela.raszczyk[at]
Marta Dziedzic
Marta Dziedzic, MA in sociology, project’s specialist at Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk since 2017; core team member in EU Horizon 2020 projects STARBIOS2 and RESBIOS at University of Gdańsk. She is involved in various initiatives at University of Gdańsk related to social responsibility of universities. She is experienced in project implementation and management in numerous projects in arts and culture, NGO and education sectors.
Contact: marta.dziedzic[at]
Łukasz Dopierała
Łukasz Dopierała is an Assistant Professor position at the Department of International Business at University of Gdansk. His research interests are focused on Pension Economics, Financial Markets and Sustainable Finance. He has published more than 30 articles and book chapters related to the above subjects. Łukasz Dopierała has a PhD in Financial Economics from the University of Lodz (2017). His PhD thesis titled Investment efficiency of individual pension accounts offered by insurance companies was awarded by the Financial Ombudsman in 2018. He is a member of the European Network for Research on Supplementary Pensions.
Grzegorz Węgrzyn
Grzegorz Węgrzyn is a full Professor and Head of Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Gdansk since 1996. In 1987 he obtained MSc degree in biology, and in 1991 PhD degree in molecular genetics. His PhD thesis was focused on the regulation of DNA replication in starved cells. Grzegorz Węgrzyn is a co-author of over 400 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and over 600 communications on scientific conferences. He supervised 53 PhD theses, and led over 30 research projects within both national and international grants.
Magdalena Herzberg-Kurasz
Magdalena Herzberg-Kurasz has an MA in sociology and is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk. She is a scholarship holder and researcher in a National Science Center research project devoted to the empty nest phase that is led by Magdalena Żadkowska. She has worked as a researcher in several international research projects and has authored various scientific articles. Her doctoral dissertation focuses on the experiences of women whose adult children have left their family home, relating directly to the role of the mother.
Contact: magdalena.herzberg-kurasz[at]
Artur Sawicki
Artur Sawicki works in the Division of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Gender at the University of Gdańsk (Poland) and the Cross-Cultural Psychology Centre of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. His research revolves around the motive of self-enhancement, especially narcissism in its various manifestations. Currently focused on examining the role of communal narcissism in the quality of romantic relationships.
Krzysztof Bielawski
Prof. Krzysztof Bielawski, Full Professor of Molecular Biology, Head of the Laboratory of Photobiology and Molecular Diagnostics at Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk; Director of the University Centre for Applied and Interdisciplinary Research, Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with Business and Industry at the University of Gdańsk (2016-2022). Long-time academic staff member of UG, experienced academic supervisor; Intensively involved in science-industry relations at regional and international level; broad experience in project management, leader and involved in numerous EU projects; experienced expert: ad hoc peer reviews for several scientific journals.
Elsevier, the Netherlands
Claudio Colaiacomo
Claudio Colaiacomo, PhD, holds a degree in Physics and a Masters in Neuroscience from the university of Pisa, and an MBA from the MIB business school of Trieste. In his early career, he worked as a researcher in the US and Austria after moving to Elsevier where he covered several managerial roles. Today, he is the Vice President for Academic Relations and research partnerships with responsibilities in Southern Europe. He entertains relations with top management or academic and research institutions, research leaders as well as media with the aim of exploring and communicating synergies and new ways to serve the scientific community. He is an expert of the publishing industry and a published author himself.
Contact: c.colaiacomo[at]
Federica Rosetta
Federica Rosetta is Vice-President for Academic & Research Relations in the EU at Elsevier. She is responsible for strategic initiatives and external collaborations with policy and research communities in the EU and the Nordics. In this capacity her primary focus is on key developments around the European research and innovation agenda, with a keen interest in Open Science, Sustainability and Science Communications. Her experience in scholarly communications, earned in seventeen years at Elsevier, spans marketing communications, publishing, business development and policy. Her passion for Publishing traces back to her studies in Literature, Press and Publishing History.
Contact: f.rosetta[at]
Knowledge & Innovation, Italy
Claudia Colonnello
Claudia Colonnello, social researcher and gender expert, has participated in several FP7 and H2020 projects focused on gender in research and responsible research and innovation at institutional and policy level. She has been carrying out research, training and technical assistance as well as design, monitoring & evaluation of projects in Europe and worldwide. She is part of the K&I MINDtheGEPs evaluation team.
Contact: colonnello[at]
Federico Luigi Marta
Federico Luigi Marta is a social researcher, responsible for the monitoring and supervision of all K&I projects. He carried out research activities (in Europe and Africa) in areas such as migration, civil society, poverty and social exclusion, gender equality, energy transition and science-society relationships. He is currently involved in the MINDtheGEPs for monitoring and evaluation.
Contact: marta[at]
Daniele Mezzana
Daniele Mezzana, social researcher, carried out research activities in Europe, Africa, Asia and Central and South America in areas such as science-society relationship, migration, surveillance and privacy, environmental risks, civil society, poverty and social exclusion, gender equality, communication, and evaluation of development projects. He is currently involved in the K&I MINDtheGEPs team for monitoring and evaluation.
Maria Teresa Berliri
Maria Teresa (Maresa) Berliri, sociologist, has carried out research, knowledge management, capacity and institutional building activities in the following areas: innovation and relations between science and society; social subjectivity on the Internet and privacy protection; Internet governance and digital transition; active citizenship and relations between states and citizens; women in decision-making in political, scientific and entrepreneurial organisations. For over 20 years, she has worked in scientific communication, including the technical and operational organisation of several scientific and cultural events.
Uppsala University, Sweden
Josepine Fernow
Josepine Fernow is a communications strategist and coordinator at Uppsala University’s Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB). She has been communications manager and work package leader in several European projects (IMI PREFER and ConcePTION, H2020 MINDtheGEPs, SIENNA, and STARBIOS2 projects, and for RRI-related communications in the FET Flagship Human Brain Project). She leads the communications team in MINDtheGEPs and the work to develop strategies for communication, dissemination and exploitation of results.
Contact: josepine.fernow[at]
Anna Holm Bodin
Anna Holm Bodin is a communications officer at Uppsala University's Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB). She participates in the development of communication plans, writes for web and newsletters, develops communication materials, and supports researchers in everything from drafting press releases to evaluating and reporting communication efforts. In addition to her work in MINDtheGEPs, she has supported communication and dissemination in the H2020 projects SIENNA and STARBIOS2, in the IMI funded PREFER & ConcePTION projects, and in the Human Brain Project.
Contact: anna.holm[at]
Fanny Klingvall
Fanny Klingvall is a communications officer at Uppsala University's Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB). She is involved in creating communication strategies, developing various communication materials and producing content for the web, social media and newsletters. In addition to her work in the MINDtheGEPs project, she has contributed to communication and dissemination efforts in the IMI funded ConcePTION project.
Contact: fanny.klingvall[at]