MINDtheGEPs in the media
Our partners publish news and give interviews about the project in their own languages. You will find some of our media appearances below.
- MINDtheGEPs award for contribution to gender equality in research and education at ETF was awarded, University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering, 25 December 2023
- Elsevier’s Kumsal Bayazit named one of Best CEOs for Women and Diversity, Elsevier, 13 July 2021
- The transforming power of I&D: how Elsevier is taking up the challenge, Elsevier, 19 April 2021
- MINDtheGEPs in the starting blocks, Knowledge & Innovation, 5 March 2021
- MINDtheGEPs: New project promotes gender equality action in seven European research institutions, Jagiellonian University, 9 February 2021
- MINDtheGEPs - A new project to promote gender equality action in seven European research institutions, University of Turin, 1 February 2021
- MINDtheGEPs: New project promoting gender equality action, Jagiellonian University, 31 August 2020
- Happy to be part of H2020 MINDtheGEPs, International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science, 11 August 2020
- “Politiche di genere in Accademia: la realtà torinese nel contesto europeo”, Unito e il Poli presentano il Gender Equality Plan, TorinOggi, 11 March 2022
- La parità diventa un affare europeo, PRISMA MATEMATICA, GIOCHI, IDEE SUL MONDO, February 2022
- MINDtheGEPs, il progetto europeo guidato da UniTo per realizzare piani di uguaglianza di genere negli enti di ricerca, Just The Woman I Am, 10 November 2021
- UniTo: al lavoro per garantire la parità di genere, FORME, 15 June 2021
- Torino: Università, approvato decalogo su equilibrio di genere, mai più congressi con soli uomini, NOVA.news, 12 June 2021
- Cnr: "Parità di genere nell’ambito della ricerca", IL GIORNO, 8 March 2021
- 4 marzo da CIRSDe – Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere, Societa Italiana delle Letterate, 2 March 2021
- Cnr al lavoro su parità di genere. Prossimo presidente una donna?, AskaNews, 11 February 2021
- Cnr al lavoro su parità di genere. Prossimo presidente una donna?, Yahoo Notizie, 11 February 2021
- Giornata Internazionale per le donne e le ragazze nella scienza: CNR e le iniziative per la parità di genere, FASI, 11 February 2021
- Parità di genere: il Cnr partecipa al progetto Mindthegeps, National Research Council of Italy, 10 February 2021
- MINDtheGEPs: IL PROGETTO PER LA PARITA' DI GENERE, Study in Turino, 10 February 2021
- MINDtheGEPs: un progetto per la parità di genere, FORME, 4 February 2021
- MINDtheGEPs, il progetto per la parità di genere in sette istituti di ricerca europei, Dazebao News, 1 February 2021
- MINDtheGEPs, il progetto per pa parità di genere in sette istituti di ricerca europei, UNITO News, 1 February 2021
- Na UG powstaje plan równości płci, University of Gdansk, 23 September 2021
- Demokracja i równe traktowanie kobiet i mężczyzn. Zobacz najciekawsze projekty [HORYZONT2020], PORTAL SAMORZĄDU WOJEWÓDZTWA POMORSKIEGO, 7 July 2021
- MINDtheGEPs - projekt wspierający działania na rzecz równości płci, UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLOŃSKI, 9 February 2021
- MINDtheGEPs - projekt wspierający działania na rzecz równości płci, UJ Instytut Socjologii, 9 February 2021
- MINDtheGEPs - projekt wspierający działania na rzecz równości płci, UJ Bezpieczny student, 9 February 2021
- SUKCES PRACOWNIKÓW UG W PROGRAMIE HORYZONT 2020, Uniwersytet Gdanski, 7 July 2020
- CTAG participa en MINDtheGEPs, una nueva iniciativa europea para promover acciones de igualdad, CTAG, 11 February 2021
Targeting key areas
We work to increase women's participation in research and innovation by improving their career prospects, increasing gender balance in decision-making and including gender dimensions in research content & teaching, and work to improve work-life balance.

Our approach
We promote gender equality on structural and cultural level of research organisations by fixing the system, not the women. Examining gender imbalances, designing gender equality plans for sustainable change, and monitoring and evaluating the progress we make.

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